
Activity and rest are two vital aspects of life.


Action is the foundational key to all success.


You can become strong and powerful.


The human body has been designed to resist an infinite number of changes and attacks brought about by its environment. The secret of good health lies in successful adjustment to changing stresses on the body.

Greatest wealth is health.

what they say

Health Knowledge

The human body has been designed to resist an infinite number of changes and attacks brought about by its environment. The secret of good health lies in successful adjustment to changing stresses on the body.


Psychological benefits of playing sports

There are many of us who today have opted for a somewhat healthier lifestyle and we despise the much appreciated sedentary lifestyle of practicing sports. People choose very different sports options, from running, cycling, calisthenics or even going to the gym, these have become the most common sport options to practice for those who, leading a somewhat sedentary work life, have chosen to practice something of a sport.

Intermittent fasting, the diet that works

While the term diet in general, awakens a feeling that mixes laziness with illusion, fasting sounds to us, directly to something dangerous and very hard to carry out. Perhaps this is the reason why many start diets almost daily and few know in depth what it is about. intermittent fasting.

Ideas to follow the nutritional diet

The nutritional diet, as we explained in a recent topic in which we delved into it, is a concept created by Dr. Joel Furhman, father of this eating plan that is very similar to our Mediterranean diet.

Ideas to cleanse the liver naturally

Today we are going to propose ideas to purify the liver naturally, thus reducing the risk of liver disease, raising the levels of antioxidant enzymes, and offering protection against harmful toxins. The liver is one of the most important organs of the human body and we need to purify it from time to time, taking into account that it has multiple functions such as purifying the blood, eliminating toxins, manufacturing bile, facilitating the absorption of certain nutrients. To keep it in good condition it is essential to maintain an adequate diet, limiting the intake of alcohol and certain medications. We will analyze it in more detail below.

How to avoid having swollen legs

Fluid retention, poor circulation, or high temperatures make us suffer from swollen legs. It is a very unpleasant and even painful sensation that affects us in our daily lives. The swelling of areas such as the legs, and even the feet and ankles, is called peripheral edema and is basically the increase in volume caused by the accumulation of water in muscles and tissues. It usually occurs after a long time of sitting or standing.

Do frozen foods retain all their properties?

For some years it is normal to live with a lot of stress and anxiety. For example, it is common to do things quickly and in a rush, hardly having time to enjoy a good meal or simply spend a pleasant time cooking.

Discover the benefits of coconut oil

Coconut oil is one of the most beneficial oils that we can find today. Coconut oil is one of the oils that has increased its popularity the most in recent years, due to the benefits it can bring us, and that we will explain below. This oil is extracted by pressing the pulp of the coconut, after having extracted the internal flesh of the fruit, obtaining an oily substance that is called coconut oil.

10 benefits of celery for the body

The celery is one of the vegetables that bring more benefits to the metabolism of the human body. In fact, historically it has been considered a very medicinal agricultural product. So much so that since Charlemagne’s time it has been used as infusions.
