Buffalo hump

Buffalo hump: how to remove it and exercises

Have you got a kind of bump in the neck area and you don’t know what it can be? This physical condition is called cervical kyphosis, although it is also commonly known as a buffalo hump. This problem is a curvature that occurs in the spine caused by an accumulation of fat in the back of the neck.

The hump on the neck is not a serious disease. Still, it can cause both discomfort and discomfort when performing certain movements and a physical complex due to its appearance, which is why we must find a way to correct this problem. Although cosmetic surgeries are to eliminate localized fat in this area, we can also opt for a series of exercises to reduce the hump more economically and naturally. Keep reading this article to explain more about the buffalo hump: how to eliminate it and exercises.

What is the buffalo hump and what are its causes

As we have already anticipated, the buffalo hump, also called the widow’s hump or crook is a physical condition that is characterized by producing a curvature in the back due to an accumulation of fat in the back of the neck, which is why it receives the dorsocervical fat medical name. This condition can be confused with other diseases in which this type of curvature also occurs along the spine. It is the case of kyphoscoliosis. However, this hump is caused by other conditions such as osteoporosis, characterized by making the bones increasingly fragile until they end up fracturing.

How can we identify buffalo hump or dorsocervical fat?

The causes are decisive to detect if this hump is caused by an accumulation of fat in the neck. Therefore, below we will give you the main reasons that cause this physical condition:

Use of some medicines and treatments for HIV: one of its side effects is lipodystrophy, the accumulation of fat in certain parts of the body.

Hypercortisolism: it is a disorder that occurs when there are very high levels of the hormone cortisol.

Obesity: Obesity is a disease that significantly increases the risk of this condition appears.

Long-term use of certain glucocorticoid medications such as cortisone.

Genetic disorders: This factor can increase the likelihood of cervical kyphosis. If someone in your family has buffalo hump, you probably have it too.

Bad posture: an incorrect position can cause this hump in the neck.

How to remove buffalo hump: medical treatment

Can the hump be corrected in adults? Many people question this since the widow’s hump is not easy to correct and takes patience and effort.

Here are some tips and recommendations on how to remove a buffalo hump:

Physiotherapy sessions: if you suspect that the hump may come from poor posture in your case, it is best to go to a physiotherapist. This professional will recommend the best methods and sessions necessary to improve the back’s posture and thus correct, little by little, the widow’s hump.

Change of medication: as we said initially, many treatments have buffalo hump as a side effect. If you suspect that this is your case, consult your doctor about a possible change in medication or decrease the dose. Under no circumstances should you stop treatment without consulting a health professional beforehand, as this could seriously harm you.

Modify your diet: If your buffalo hump is due to an obesity problem or a poor diet, you should change your lifestyle and eating habits and reduce the calories in your meals. A loss of weight can be very beneficial in this case and could make the buckled neck disappear. In this case, it is best to put yourself in the hands of endocrinologists and nutritionists so that they can offer you a specific diet plan for your case.

Liposuction: Many people who cannot get rid of the hump with the above tips decide to undergo liposuction. This intervention consists of suctioning the fat from the area with a small cannula that is inserted into the lump through tiny incisions previously made. The result and improvement after the surgical procedure can be noticed immediately, but you must not forget that it is an operation, so the recovery can be a bit painful. If you bet on this solution, the safest thing is that the doctor in charge of operating will provide you with anti-inflammatories and/or analgesics so that the pain is not so annoying. You can return to normal life as soon as possible.

Exercises to remove buffalo hump

Although the widow’s hump can be eliminated with liposuction that removes all the fat located in the back of the neck, it is normal that some people cannot afford this treatment or do not want to undergo it since it is still cosmetic surgery. However, suppose you wonder how to eliminate buffalo hump without having to resort to liposuction. In that case, we will tell you that there is an alternative that consists of a series of physical exercises that will help you, little by little, to correct this physical condition. Read on and try the following exercises for the buffalo hump:

Exercise 1: chest lifts

First of all, you will have to lie on the floor on your back without any pillow or anything underneath.

Next, put your arms on the floor at a 45-degree angle and your palms up.

Try stretching your spine and then pressing your back against the floor.

Once you’re in this position, lift just your chest and squeeze your shoulder blades.

Keep your chest elevated for 10 seconds, then return to the starting position.

Perform 2 sets of 10 reps.

Exercise 2: pectoral stretch

In an open door, place your arms on each side.

When you are in this position, slowly stretch your chest until you are lower than the original position.

As you lower your chest, it is important to keep your shoulders flat and your head above your body.

Then return to the starting position slowly.

Perform 2 sets of 10 reps.

Exercise 3: arm raises

Stick your head, shoulders, pelvis, and heels against a wall.

Next, lift your arms by sliding them down the wall until they are at shoulder height. Then go back to the original posture.

You mustn’t tilt your head or lift your shoulders to avoid injury while doing the lifts.

Perform 2 sets of 10 reps.

Exercise 4: walk every day

Suppose the main cause of your hump is obesity. In that case, you must incorporate aerobic exercises such as walking into your daily routine, as these will help you both to lose weight and reduce localized fat in the neck. To achieve your goal, it is recommended that you walk at a medium pace and do it for at least half an hour every day.

If apart from the buffalo hump, you feel discomfort and often in various parts of the back, take a look at this article on Exercises for dorsal back pain: they will help you relieve tension and stretch the muscles.

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