How do you beat the afternoon slump

Conquer the Afternoon Slump: Simple Tricks to Stay Sharp All Afternoon

Ah, the dreaded afternoon slump. That hazy, unproductive period that hits you sometime after lunch, threatening to derail your entire workday. We’ve all been there, staring blankly at our screens, willing ourselves to focus. But fear not, weary warriors! 

By implementing a few simple strategies, you can banish the afternoon slump and reclaim your afternoon productivity.

The Enemy: Why We Crash in the Afternoon

Our natural circadian rhythm, our internal body clock, plays a significant role in our energy levels. Around midday, our alertness dips. This, combined with a heavy lunch or dehydration, can leave us feeling sluggish and unfocused.

Conquer Your Afternoon Woes: Simple Strategies for Staying Sharp

Don’t let the afternoon slump become your kryptonite! Here’s your arsenal of simple yet effective strategies to stay sharp all afternoon:

Reenergize Your Body

  • Hydration is Key: Dehydration is a major contributor to fatigue. Keep a reusable water bottle at your desk and sip on water throughout the day. Aim for eight glasses of water daily.
  • Incorporate Movement: Sitting for extended periods can sap your energy. Schedule short bursts of physical activity – a quick desk stretch, a walk around the office, or even a few jumping jacks. Like many others, I’m no stranger to the afternoon slump. The post-lunch drowsiness can hit hard, especially when staring at a blank page and trying to churn out words. To combat this, I’ve found that incorporating short bursts of physical activity throughout the day helps tremendously. Desk stretches, walking breaks, even a few jumping jacks – anything to get the blood flowing! In my quest to find ways to enhance my walking breaks, I came across toe spacers. These innovative little devices intrigued me, and after some research, I discovered a brand called Correct Toes. They seemed to be a leading name in the toe spacer market. By gently separating your toes, they can potentially improve your balance and stability during walks, allowing for more efficient movement. Additionally, toe spacers might help increase flexibility in your feet, making certain desk stretches targeting the ankles and feet more effective. 
  • Healthy Snacking: Avoid the sugary crash! Opt for energizing snacks like nuts, fruits with yogurt, or veggie sticks with hummus. These provide sustained energy without the blood sugar roller coaster.

Sharpen Your Mind

  • Embrace Natural Light: Natural light exposure helps regulate our circadian rhythm and can boost alertness. Open your blinds, or if possible, take your work to a well-lit area near a window.
  • The Power of the Power Nap: A well-timed 20-minute nap can work wonders for cognitive function and alertness. Set an alarm to prevent oversleeping, and you’ll wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the rest of your day.
  • Brain Games: Give your brain a quick workout! Short bursts of brain games or puzzles can help improve focus and concentration. There are many free apps and online resources available, or you can try some classic brainteasers.


By incorporating these simple strategies into your routine, you can conquer the afternoon slump and reclaim your afternoons. Remember, consistency is key! Make these practices a regular part of your workday, and you’ll find yourself sailing through the afternoon with renewed focus and energy. So ditch the afternoon slump and say hello to a productive and successful afternoon!

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