Intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting, the diet that works

While the term diet in general, awakens a feeling that mixes laziness with illusion, fasting sounds to us, directly to something dangerous and very hard to carry out. Perhaps this is the reason why many start diets almost daily and few know in depth what it is about. intermittent fasting.

It is not a diet

“I define it as a nutritional strategy in which the person voluntarily decides not to eatfoodsolids in a certain window of time ”, affirms Domínguez. Those hours in which you do eat are those that define the type of fast, for example, 8/16, which marks that, out of 24 hours a day, we can consume solid food for 8 hours and fast for 16.

And we put this example because, for Domínguez, the power of this strategy is found from this rhythm of fast, in which you do skip a meal, either breakfast or dinner. This choice usually depends on the characteristics of each person, since there are people who are very active in the morning and need a strong breakfast, while others can endure without eating solid until later and can have lunch and then an early dinner.


And it is that the fast must be completely personalized and, obviously, reviewed by a specialist team. That is why there are as many types as there are people and you can vary both the hours you fast and the option of doing it on individual days a week.

Each strategy has its advantages and benefits for health and, what should be clear is that it is not something immediate. You can start to notice the difference from the fifth day or the first week.

Strike a balance

“Lose weight depends more on a hormonal balance in the person than on counting calories”. And this may be the first mistake everyone makes when starting a regimen, counting calories as if this were the only way to get rid of extra kilos. “Our nutritional strategy is based on achieving a complete diet, that is, one that provides all the necessary micronutrients. To guarantee this, we need to balance the diet and consume all kinds of food, as long as they are of quality ”. That is, when it comes to lunch or dinner, the dish should be as balanced as possible, paying special attention to containing a little of everything, from vegetables to protein and hydrates. Of course, Domínguez alerts us that ” the number of calories must be proportional to each person, without this implying a caloric reduction”.

The queen hormone

As we said, with this nutritional strategy, what you really achieve is a hormonal balance. And for your whole body to feel comfortable on that scale, you must pay special attention to insulin. Domínguez reminds us that “its role is to lower blood glucose levels. But you also have to know that the excess ends upconverted to fat in the liver. We also know that it is the only hormone that lowers sugar levels, while the rest go up. If this fails, the rest goes out of control.

A very clear example of the importance of insulin in your day-to-day life is that, when you are hungry, on countless occasions, you get angry more quickly, you are more irascible and everything bothers you. This is partly because the stress hormone cortisol has gone haywire. If, on the contrary, it costs you sleep, it will be the melatonin that is not in its proper measure.

In addition to counteracting problems derived from hormones, such as insomnia, polycystic ovaries, or thyroid, there are many other benefits for your health, if you can continue intermittent fasting. The first of them lies in the rest that you offer to your digestive tract. As well as the mobilization of the fat reserves that you have and that the body can use as energy.

Where do I begin?

The first step, and essential, is to analyze the starting point, that is, to know the previous health problems. For this reason, at this time, it is vital to have the advice of a professional. Since it not only studies which aspects should have extra vigilance. But it will also be a great support in the process.


From the MiAyuno platform, they emphasize that there is no universal rule that can work for everyone. So each person must listen to their body and not impose norms or rules. It should be an adaptive process in which you can start with a 12/12. In this type, the ‘secret’ lies in having dinner very early to be able to fulfill the 12-hour fast. Once you start to feel the benefits and the person feels comfortable, you can take another step and expand the range of hours. “Doing an intermittent fast must be a voluntary decision, which, in certain situations, can be altered or not respected (for example, a business dinner, at family gatherings or any event), without, therefore, reducing your Benefits”. For this reason, from MiAyuno they defend that, in the diet, as in many other aspects of life, “you have to be flexible, to stay straight.” This way you will remove many health problems from your life and also others such as guilt, frustration, or feeling incapable.

Rearrange your schedules

One aspect that we must make clear when talking about intermittent fasting is that this does not mean that in the time in which it is ‘allowed’ to eat you can eat whatever you want, without measure or control. “An intermittent fasting is a nutritional strategy that guarantees optimal functioning of the digestive process. But as long as the composition and basis of our diet is not neglected,” they tell us from MiAyuno. Therefore, we must always bear in mind that a balanced diet must meet the following requirements:

  • Contain all the necessary macronutrients (proteins, fats, and carbohydrates) as well as micronutrients ( vitamins and minerals). And, above all, that these are of quality.
  • Consistently combining the different foods each intake, to ensure an efficient digestive process.
  • Avoid toxins such as alcohol, excess sugar or refined products, excess unhealthy fats, generally present in highly processed foods. In the same way, remember that food is not the only aspect that conditions your well-being. Although this is basic, there are other aspects that you must take into account. Such as physical activity, respecting rest and sleep, as well as maintaining a positive attitude that leads to emotional balance.

Is it valid for everyone?

Despite being one of the most popular diets right now, professional supervision is a must.

  • Chronically ill. Especially those who have a fragile immune system or tend to feel weak. Lack of nutrients over a long period of time could negatively affect them. Something similar happens with those who suffer from migraines, where diet plays an essential role.
  • Thin people. Although there are many celebrities who have made this diet fashionable. The loss of body fat could be excessive and translate into muscle problems.
  • Mental health. These types of diets are contraindicated in people who have or have had eating disorders. As well as those who go through a period of anxiety or depression.
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